Intended white sage (Salvia apiana) grounded moon and sun charged. Burn to cleanse spaces, generate positive + uplifting energy, and for healing.
White Sage Incense, a timeless tool for energetic purification and spiritual renewal. When burned, white sage releases a sacred smoke known for its ability to cleanse spaces of negative energy, promote healing, and bring clarity. Traditionally used in ceremonies and rituals, it serves as a powerful aid in resetting the energy of a space, body, or mind.
Also known as White Sage Smudge Sticks, you can prepare your home for a fresh start, meditating, or simply creating a serene environment, the aromatic smoke of White Sage Incense purifies the air and fosters a sense of positive energy and clarity. Perfect for daily use or special occasions, it helps you cultivate balance and harmony in any setting.
Intended white sage (Salvia apiana) grounded moon and sun charged. Burn to cleanse spaces, generate positive + uplifting energy, and for healing.